Brazil (Director´s Cut)- Importado

Pitting the imagination of a common man against the oppressive storm troopers of the Ministry of Information, this bitter parable for the Information Age is more relevant than ever. Gathering footage from both the European and American versions, Terry Gilliam has assembled the ultimate 142-minute director´s cut of his most celebrated film, then annotated it with a shot-by-shot commentary on an alternate audio channel.


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Informações Especiais: "What is Brazil?" Rob Heddens 30 minute on-set documentary - "The Battle of Brazil: A Video History," original 60-minute Criterion documentary by Jack Mathews - Screenwriters Tom Stoppard and Charles McKeown on the script


Título Original: Brazil (Directors Cut)

Tempo: 142 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2006

Recomendação: 14 anos

Região do DVD: R

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