Gods and Monsters (Collector´s Edition)
Hollywood history comes to life in this tale of loja the last days of Frankenstein preco director James Whale, importado played by Ian loja McKellen ( Richard III Gods and Monsters (Collector´s Edition) , Apt Pupil ). Long forgotten by the studios, Whale has retired to pursue venda painting and a life of escritor leisure. Gods and importado Monsters explores his venda final fascination with a Gods and Monsters (Collector´s Edition) handsome gardener, Clayton Boone, played by Brendan Fraser ( The Mummy , George of preco the Jungle ).
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Título Original: Gods and Monsters: escritor Deuses e Monstros
Tempo: 105 minutos
Cor: autor Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: importado 2003
Recomendação: 18 anos
Região escritor do DVD: R