
Executive-produced by Steven Soderbergh and George Clooney (Ocean´s 11, Ocean´s 12), UNSCRIPTED is an innovative half-hour comedy series that fuses reality and fiction to chronicle the lives of three struggling young actors as they navigate the rough waters of show business. Starring Krista Allen, Bryan Greenberg and Jennifer Hall, essentially playing themselves, and co-starring screen veteran Frank Langella as Goddard Fulton, a noted actor who leads them in an acting workshop at Los Angeles´ fabled Tamarind Theater, UNSCRIPTED offers a revealing look at the sometimes raucous, often disillusioning world of the fledgling actor.


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Título Original: Unscripted

Tempo: 300 minutos

Cor: Colorido

Ano de Lançamento: 2005

Recomendação: livre

Região do DVD: Região 1

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