Seeing What´s Next - Importado

This book argues that it is possible to predict loja which companies will win and preco which will lose clayton m. christensen & scott d. anthony & erik a. roth in a specific loja situation?and provides a practical Seeing What´s Next - Importado framework for doing so. Most books on innovation?including Christensen?s previous two venda books?approached innovation from the inside-out, escritor showing firms how clayton m. christensen & scott d. anthony & erik a. roth they can create venda innovations inside their own Seeing What´s Next - Importado companies. This book is written from an ?outside-in? perspective, showing how executives, investors, and analysts preco can assess the impact of submarino a new innovation clayton m. christensen & scott d. anthony & erik a. roth on the firms preco they have a vested Seeing What´s Next - Importado interest in.
Editora: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 1591391857
Ano: 2004
Edição: 1
Número de páginas: 312
Capa Dura
Formato: Médio
Complemento da Edição: Nenhum

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