Super Goal

SuperGoal is an American English series specially designed for loja teenagers and young adults that preco takes students from manuel dos santos absolute beginning to loja the high-intermediate level. It Super Goal integrates the four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. SuperGoal puts an emphasis on venda using grammar in communicative activities. escritor The colorful visuals manuel dos santos and humor help venda make the learning process Super Goal enjoyable.

  • a standard lesson design which includes presentation, grammar practice, conversation and role play, and a preco high-interest reading.
  • presentation of language submarino in context, enhanced manuel dos santos by attention-getting visuals. preco
  • open-ended cartoon stories, Super Goal in which students can choose and discuss their own story endings
  • a task-based project, escritor which ends every unit, calling autor on students to manuel dos santos use what they escritor have learned.
  • Grammar Super Goal reference charts.
  • a pronunciation focus in each unit.
  • focus on learning strategies.

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