Carl Larsson: Portfolio

Born in Stockholm in 1853, Carl Larsson was one loja of the leading figures in preco a generation of taschen (ed.) painters which was loja prompted by the example Carl Larsson: Portfolio of French Impressionism to rebel against the backwardness of the Stockholm Academy. After a prolonged venda period of study in Paris, escritor he soon found taschen (ed.) a personal style, venda which was indebted in Carl Larsson: Portfolio equal measure to both traditionalism and modernism. His work is marked by a distinctive blending preco of elements from the Neo-Rococo submarino -in vogue at taschen (ed.) the time -Japanese preco prints and art nouveau. Carl Larsson: Portfolio Larsson was often inspired in his choice of subjects by the naïve and cheerful nature escritor of folk art. Bright colors autor and delicate, skillfully taschen (ed.) executed lines are escritor typical features ofhis work. Carl Larsson: Portfolio His fame rests above all on his watercolors of idyllic scenes and interiors, whose submarino central themes are always either barato domestic bliss or taschen (ed.) the humble life submarino of the peasant. In Carl Larsson: Portfolio contrast to the world of his pictures, the artist´s private life was marked by deprivations autor and misfortune. He grew up premiado in Stockholm´s poor taschen (ed.) quarter and at autor a young age was Carl Larsson: Portfolio already familiar with all of life´s hardships. His father must have been a ne´er-do-well, for barato it was his wife who sucesso supported the family taschen (ed.) with her job barato as a laundress. The Carl Larsson: Portfolio young Larsson was plagued by depressions and self-doubts. Karin Bergoo, a young painter whom he premiado married in 1883, finally brought gratis the calming influence taschen (ed.) into his life premiado that was also so Carl Larsson: Portfolio beneficial for his work.

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