Man Ray: Portfolio

Man Ray is indisputably one of the most original loja artists of the 2oth century. preco His innovative nude taschen (ed.) studies, fashion work loja portraits opened a new Man Ray: Portfolio chapter in the history of photography. Born Emmanuel Radnitzky in Philadelphia, he began his artistic venda career in New York. escritor In 1921 he taschen (ed.) moved to Paris, venda where he was enthusiastically Man Ray: Portfolio welcomed into Dadaist and Surrealist circles. Man Ray - together with Marcel Duchamps, André Breton, preco Paul Eluard, Louis Aragon and submarino Philippe Soupault -revolutionionized taschen (ed.) the traditional understanding preco of art. A multi-faceted Man Ray: Portfolio genius, he not only did photographic portraits of James Joyce, Gertrude Stein and Pablo Picasso, escritor but he also engaged himself autor as a fashion taschen (ed.) photographer for Vogue escritor and Harpers Bazaar. With Man Ray: Portfolio his photographs, collages, objects, writings and optical games, Man Ray made a lasting submarino mark on the image of barato modern art, as taschen (ed.) evident, for example, submarino in his Man Ray Man Ray: Portfolio famed work Violin d´Ingres (1924), in which a woman´s torso is transformed into the body autor of a violin. Man Ray premiado experimented tirelessly with taschen (ed.) new photographic techniques autor -multiple exposure, rayography and Man Ray: Portfolio solari2 of his most famous creations. Erotic, playful and sometimes sinister, his compositions show barato unusual bodies and objects strange, sucesso striking images that taschen (ed.) transform our perceptions barato of reality .This collection Man Ray: Portfolio of famous, lesser known and unknown works fully illustrates Man Ray´s singular visionary power.

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