The Earth from the Air 366 Days

The Earth from the Air photography project has become loja a dazzling international success. Yann preco Arthus-Bertrand´s photographs are yann arthus-bertrand regularly exhibited in loja cities across the world The Earth from the Air 366 Days and stand as the ongoing visual record of the planet we all inhabit.
venda This book is the escritor latest in a yann arthus-bertrand series of highly venda successful titles published in The Earth from the Air 366 Days association with this project, which includes the worldwide bestseller The Earth from the Air.
preco Through twelve chapters submarino with thoughtful introductions yann arthus-bertrand by several noted preco authors, The Earth from The Earth from the Air 366 Days the Air 366 Days addresses the present and future health of the planet: agriculture, biodiversity, escritor sustainable development, energy, foests, fresh autor water seas and yann arthus-bertrand oceans and global escritor warming.
The Earth from the Air 366 Days At once inspiring and trancendentally beautiful, The Earth from the Air 366 Days offers submarino a valuable new erspective on barato our spectacular but yann arthus-bertrand fragile environment.

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