Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health
An updated, comprehensive guide to coping with common digestive loja problems--heartburn, indigestion, nausea, diarrhea, and preco constipation--discusses the causes king, john (edt)/ king, john e. (edt);king, john e. (edt) of such ailments loja and provides a definitive Mayo Clinic on Digestive Health and effective overview of the prevention and treatment options for more than twelve digestive conditions venda and diseases. Original.
Editora: Kensington Pub Corp
ISBN: 1893005321
Edição: escritor 2
Número de páginas: king, john (edt)/ king, john e. (edt);king, john e. (edt) 208
Idioma: English
Local de venda Publicação: United States